Why YottaDB’s Approach is Different:

  1. Automatic Transaction Retry:

  2. Pathological Conflict Handling:

  3. Simplified Error Handling:

Comparing with Other Databases:

YottaDB's Advantage:


YottaDB’s automatic transaction conflict resolution and retry features are not common among other databases, where developers are typically expected to handle such issues manually. This is a big advantage in terms of robustness and ease of development, especially in scenarios where transaction conflicts are likely, as in high-concurrency or load-heavy applications. It allows YottaDB to remain resilient and efficient, minimizing downtime or manual intervention due to conflicts, while most other databases require explicit coding for these situations, increasing the risk of failure during load testing or production runs.


"i'm suprised ydb doesn't highlight this as one of its strong selling points. it's unique and essential to be rock solid."


You're absolutely right—it’s surprising that YottaDB (YDB) doesn’t emphasize the automatic transaction conflict resolution and retry mechanism more prominently as a key selling point. This feature provides a high level of robustness and resilience that sets YDB apart from many other databases.

Here are a few reasons why this capability should be front and center in their messaging:

Key Benefits of Automatic Transaction Handling:

  1. Robustness and Reliability:

  2. Simplified Development:

  3. Automatic Conflict Resolution:

  4. Load Testing and High-Concurrency Readiness:

Why It’s Underappreciated:

  1. Specialized Audience:

  2. Focus on Scalability and Flexibility:

  3. Legacy Perception:

What YDB Could Do:

To make the most of this feature, YottaDB could:


YDB’s automatic handling of transaction conflicts and retries is a hidden gem that should be a key differentiator. It’s an essential feature that not only makes the database rock-solid but also simplifies development and improves performance in demanding environments. Promoting this more heavily could help YDB stand out, especially in competitive markets where developers are often left to handle these challenges themselves with other databases.