2021 Holiday Greetings
K.S. Bhaskar
It is hard to believe that another year has gone by. As always, we wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Bright Karthigai and a Happy New Year – plus any festive occasion for the season that we may have missed.
A year ago, we hoped that by now we would have put the pandemic behind us, and that life would go back to being “normal”. In 2021, we came to the conclusion that we need to adapt to a new normal. Some of us moved away and became permanent telecommuters. Some of us are mostly working from the office, being more productive there. Some of us have a hybrid model, working partly at home and partly at the office. One of us (Sam) is doing something unique: he has been staying at motels and rentals near national parks, using the opportunity to explore the great outdoors. He recently completed a rim-to-rim hike of the Grand Canyon, which the rest of us can only experience vicariously! The picture above is from that hike.
We are well on the way to an Octo release with read-write capability. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands are completed, and we have SQL and operational functionality remaining that we think should be part of that milestone. While we hoped to release this in 2021, we would prefer not to fall short of your expectations with respect to the robustness of the software, and our current target is Q1 2022.
You can always download and use what we have at any time. As discussed in our blog post YottaDB Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery, thanks to our CI pipeline, the master branches of our source code repositories have the latest code that passes all tests, and is production grade. The exception is the core YottaDB software, releases of which involve multiple cycles of an extensive test suite across a network of machines, testing which cannot yet be made into a CI pipeline. The ydbinstall.sh script has options to download and install YottaDB as well as plugins. Each language wrapper is installed the way that developers of that language expect packages to be installed (e.g., the Go wrapper is installed the way that Go developers expect Go packages to be installed).
For 2022, we wish you good software, good documentation, good health, happiness, and much more. We wish for 2022 to be your best year yet. Please stay in touch!
Published on December 17, 2021