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Bid Wars

We thank Kurt Le Breton for his first blog post, and hope there are many more to follow. If you would like to post on the YottaDB blog please contact us at

A New Hope: The Emergence of MUMPS and YottaDB

In a computer universe not so far far away…

It is a time of great innovation.

Revolutionary technology is emerging from the depths of computing history, where storage space and code efficiency were once the ultimate challenges.

In the midst of this revolution, a succinct though ancient language, born from the constraints of early computing, stands as a beacon of simplicity and robustness.

MUMPS emerges from its historic confines on a unique mission: to engage in an epic battle against a squadron of transactions, overcoming all conflicts with unparalleled grace.

As millions of processes vie for victory in a grand auction of galactic proportions, the force of YottaDB’s internal transaction management triumphs, showing how old design constraints can lead to new levels of resilience.

A Chatbot, a Guest Writer, and a Coding Journey

Dramatic? Maybe a little over the top. Corny? Yeah, of course, but what self-respecting sort of nerd would I be without some sci-fi references! I do hope to have piqued your curiosity though, and yes, there will be an epic battle of transactions before we conclude, so stay tuned.

Truth be told, I’m genuinely surprised to be writing this today. I didn’t expect a spur-of-the-moment email to the YottaDB team would result in a request from Bhaskar to be a guest writer. Seriously, I’m a coder, not a wordsmith, so I apologize for getting ChatGPT to help out with the introduction (though I must admit, I’m partly responsible for the corniness).

ChatGPT! Yes, this whole episode started with AI – it got me into this mess in the first place. I promise, though, this is not a story about AI but rather … well … let me rewind.

Back in the late 90’s when I landed my first programming job it was with a medical technology company in Australia writing hospital information systems and then shortly afterwards I was with another firm writing laboratory ones. You can probably guess by now that at the core of both these products was MUMPS. That was my first introduction to the technology.

Now, I do know that the ANSI Standard refers to the language as M, however since I come from the world of medical software, I’m allowed a little case of the MUMPS now and then. So in the spirit of Bhaskar’s presentations, I’ll be keeping those mustard stains on my tie. But I digress…

Since I was fresh out of college, super green, and a little naive, I asked our database engineer why the company didn’t use XYZ Brand relational database. The short answer: it just wouldn’t cut it. At the time, I felt this wasn’t much of an explanation, but I did become curious.

I’m not quite sure what sparked my interest, but the hierarchical structure really appealed to me. Even today, I can’t fully explain why, but I’m still captivated by MUMPS. Bitten by the bug so to speak … I know, bad joke … perhaps I will change that tie after all! Thinking on it now, I would describe M as unique: it’s a little rough around the edges and yet, I think, remains fascinating and compelling even today.

So where is this all leading, you ask? Specifically to an implementation detail in GT.M, and by extension YottaDB, that truly stands out. It’s a hidden gem, hinted at in M’s language semantics, but only fully realized through GT.M’s engineers. I’ll delve into details a bit later.

But first let’s jump back to ChatGPT and the very start of our story.

The Hidden Gem: YottaDB’s Conflict Resolution

I enjoy coding! I really do. Like most programmers, I have my fair share of “pet” projects to work on. As a long-time M geek, it’s no surprise that at least one of those is M-based. And with YottaDB being open-sourced, it was the natural choice, since hobbies rarely generate income.

But, as any developer with niche interests knows, it can get a bit lonely in the wee hours of the morning when there’s no one around to bounce ideas off. So, of course I ended up talking to a chatbot!

It was during one of these moments with ChatGPT, while weighing the pros and cons of a decision I was stuck on, that the conversation delved into the internals of YottaDB’s transaction handling, particularly its automatic conflict resolution and retry mechanism.

And herein lies the hidden gem I wish to explore with you all.

A Reality of Relational Databases

But before we dive in, please let me take another quick step back in time. I didn’t spend my entire career with M-based companies. Eventually, I moved on and found myself working in the more ubiquitous world of relational databases. As capable as these systems are, I always felt something was missing. For certain data needs, I knew a more elegant way to model it would be hierarchically. However, I was stuck normalizing everything into a trillion tables.

I really missed M, but now I was working in the relational world and had to code within the constraints of that architecture. Speaking of those constraints, let me state an obvious, but crucial, point: relational databases are self-contained products. Your data is separate from your application logic. Hence the database has no understanding of how other software uses that data; it simply responds to the requests it’s given.

It simply responds, until it can’t!

Write issues are generally rare for any system under light load. But, just occasionally, one process might commit its transaction before another can, resulting in a concurrency violation. The database doesn’t have enough context to manage this for you and so its responsibility rightly ends in maintaining data integrity.

All databases handle failed requests through various mechanisms, but ultimately, it’s your code that will face the brunt of those errors. The hot-potato is always thrown back to the application developer. It’s a significant amount of error handling to manage in addition to your primary code. The main point is, issues intensify under heavier and heavier load.

In the relational world, this is just an accepted reality.

YottaDB’s Approach: Seamless Conflict Handling

But with YottaDB, a different reality awaits you.

At the heart of a YottaDB based system is the integration of code execution and data access from within the same process. This tight coupling, required by the M language, lays the foundation for YottaDB’s robust resolution mechanism.

Building on this, YottaDB also employs an optimistic concurrency strategy, which operates on the assumption of success and is highly performant most of the time. When inevitable conflicts occur, and multiple processes attempt to update the same piece of data, YottaDB steps in like a police officer directing traffic. It allows one process to proceed, then the next, until everything is resolved.

How? Well, you see, YottaDB has enough context to automatically manage this for you. Which approach it takes depends on whether you’re using the C-API with modern languages, or writing traditional M code. For now let’s keep a chronological flow and first focus on M to explore how the language specifies transactional semantics.

How M Specifies Transactions

A transaction begins with the command:


Your logic can then modify both variables and database entries. When it’s ready to finalize the transaction, it issues:


Now here’s when YottaDB’s hidden gem becomes apparent: when you use a modified tstart
and activate the automatic retry mechanism. On write conflicts, YottaDB presses its hidden rewind button: not only are database changes undone, but your application logic also rolls back to the tstart checkpoint. Depending on the transaction variant you use, some, none, or all local variables can be reverted to their checkpoint-time values. Once that’s done, your code runs again. Often, a retry will succeed with a tcommit, but in cases of persistent conflict, YottaDB dons its police officer cap to decide the order of resolution.

Please pause to ponder how cool this is.

Can you think of a strategy to retro-fit this ability into traditional databases? Neither can I.

Now, briefly, here are the variations that control how, if any, local variables are reset along with database changes. The upcoming code sample will showcase two of these.

  • tstart * – All local variables on the stack will be reset on every retry.
  • tstart () – No local variables will be reset at all.
  • tstart (a,b,c) – Only variables a, b, and c will be reset on each retry.

Why Developers Can Relax: YottaDB Has You Covered

So what’s left for the application developer to handle? Not much really. YottaDB manages conflict resolution for you, allowing you to focus on crafting simple business logic.

Its ability to handle conflicts gracefully is a core strength, ensuring robustness even under heavy load. While it might slow down during resolution, it happily works through your code to completion.

Reaching Out to the YottaDB Team

Thanks for sticking with me this far – your patience is about to pay off as our grand auction of galactic proportions starts soon.

But first, let me circle back to that AI conversation. I was surprised this unique capability wasn’t a bigger part of YottaDB’s marketing and remarked about that to ChatGPT. Its response piqued my interest enough that I decided to pass the insights along to the team.

In a world where developers will choose between NoSQL and relational databases, YottaDB’s ability to handle conflicts seamlessly is a huge differentiator – if only more people knew about it.

That’s why I reached out to the YottaDB team – I wanted to ask that this powerful feature got the attention it deserves. And as fate would have it, Bhaskar decided I was the right person to help spread the word. So here I am, not only showing why YottaDB is great but also sharing how a single email and a meddling AI can turn into a full-blown article!

Prepare for Battle: Bid Wars Begins

And now, the moment we’ve been waiting for has arrived. The epic showdown between a squadron of transactions as they battle for supremacy in a galactic-scale auction is about to commence. Buckle up, and let’s get our M code ready for this thrilling mission!

Breaking Down the Bid Wars Code

(Click on the image to access the code. Note: the code kills the ^Action global variable.)


The BidWars.m auction system simulates a highly concurrent bidding environment where many bidders compete to place bids on an item, in this case, our favourite astromech droid. The system launches a specified number of concurrent bidder processes, each trying to outbid the others by incrementing the auction price. This sample showcases YottaDB’s transaction mechanisms when handling contentious access and updates.

  • Bidders: The system starts by launching a configurable number of bidders, each represented as an independent process.
  • Concurrency: Once all bidders are launched, the auction begins, and each bidder attempts to become the leader by placing higher bids.
  • Bid Placement: Each bidder process checks whether it’s the current auction leader. If not, the process places a new bid, incrementing the auction price randomly by a small amount.
  • Average Time Calculation: Throughout the auction, the system calculates and logs the average time taken per bid.
  • Final Bid: Once the auction duration is complete, the system waits for the remaining bidders to finish and announces the final winning bid, along with key statistics like total bids received and bids per second.
  • Live Updates: As the auction progresses, the system provides real-time performance feedback on the current price, total bids, and average time per bid.

A Simpler, Cleaner Way to Handle Conflicts

The entire auction process demonstrates YottaDB’s capability to manage concurrent transactions and handle bidding conflicts gracefully, ensuring the auction runs smoothly despite a frenzy of bidders.

As you examine the source code, you might notice there’s no error handling. This isn’t an oversight but rather a deliberate choice so I could highlight this under-appreciated gem. From my perspective, it’s fascinating how YottaDB handles writes so seamlessly you don’t need to include error-handling code for them.

For those not familiar with M, I hope you find the code approachable and clear. The real value here is in YottaDB’s ability to manage conflicts internally, which simplifies development and keeps your code clean. While error handling remains important in other contexts, the fact that YottaDB takes care of conflicts automatically is a powerful feature that I believe deserves more attention.

YottaDB’s Legacy

In reflecting on the design and elegance of this product, it’s remarkable to consider its origins. Born out of the need to maximize efficiency and keep things small due to the constraints of early hardware, it emerged with simplicity and robustness. Despite the passage of half a century and the evolution of modern database systems, no contemporary solution has yet matched the seamless ease of use that YottaDB offers in the area of handling write conflicts.

The necessity of those early days has shaped YottaDB into something truly special. As I look at the current landscape of database technologies, it’s a testament to the brilliance of those early engineers that their effortless conflict resolution mechanism remains unmatched.

This legacy technology, forged from necessity, continues to stand out, reminding us that sometimes amazing innovations can hide in unexpected places.

About Kurt Le Breton

Kurt is a software engineer based in Australia. His career began in the medical software field, where he discovered his enthusiasm for hierarchical data storage. He later transitioned to developing specialized software for accounting workflows. Outside of programming, he enjoys photography, reading, and dabbling in bookbinding. Sitting around a campfire for an evening is one of the ways he likes to relax and take a break from the modern world.

  1. Photo of R2D2. Credit: Kristen DelValle, used under Creative Commons by 2.0

Published on October 08, 2024