Xider™ for Redis® Migration

There’s a Fork in the Road…
Xider aims to provide an API for the YottaDB database that is upward compatible with Redis and allows common Redis applications to use Xider as a drop-in replacement.†
Two Xider Options to Support Your Unique Use Cases
Xider TCP
Xider TCP implements the Redis RESP TCP protocol to allow use from unmodified Redis clients. The rock solid, lightning fast, and secure YottaDB database underlying Xider TCP allows multi-process / multi-threaded applications to make parallel database accesses, delivering performance at scale. YottaDB shows its mettle serving large numbers of concurrent clients.
Xider Direct
Xider Direct clients provide Redis compatible APIs, but make in-process calls to the YottaDB database APIs when clients and servers are on the same machine, offering dramatically higher performance with a proven, enterprise-scale database. Xider Direct clients are available for Lua and Python, with additional clients on our roadmap, starting with JavaScript. Contact us if you want to use Xider Direct in production so that we can prioritize your specific needs.
YottaDB vs. Redis
Both Xider TCP and Xider Direct build on the YottaDB database, whose mature code base is proven in enterprise-scale, mission-critical applications, including large-scale banking and nation-scale healthcare systems – but whose lightweight footprint delivers outstanding performance even on hardware suitable for applications on the edge. With online backup, real-time replication, true ACID transactions with automatic conflict resolution, and many other features, YottaDB has what you need in a database for your most valuable data.
Put YottaDB to the Test
Computing 3n+1 sequences is a simple, understandable problem that provides a good database test. Our performance comparison allows you to compare Redis and Xider side by side in the same Docker container on your system.

Committed to Free & Open Source
Xider and YottaDB are released under the AGPL v3 license. You are welcome to run any application on Xider and YottaDB regardless of its license. The terms of the AGPL v3 license apply only if you make changes to Xider and YottaDB themselves.
Commercial Support
We offer worldwide support for Xider and YottaDB on commercial terms with assured service levels. The normal tier provides a response to e-mail within one business day. The premium tier provides 24×7 support with a response within one hour. Contact us for details.
† As Xider is still under development, not all Redis functionality is available. Any implemented functionality is upward compatible with Redis. Since Xider is continuously released, if functionality your application needs is not available, please check whether there is an Issue for it, and create one if there isn’t one. You can create a GitLab notification to stay informed with Xider updates.